Feb 212011

I hung up the phone and sat down heavily at my desk. I had just completed a phone conversation at work that had not gone well.  I sat quietly, letting discouragement and disillusionment invade. I could feel my spirit sinking lower. I was in no condition to be productive. I felt… well, stuck.

Have you ever felt that way? Blocked, stuck, down? Have you felt those negative influences affecting your relationships, your work performance, your faith?

I need to break some news to you. I am not writing today about what to do with discouragement. Right now, I’m not interested in blasting sunshine into your day. In fact,  my drive to write today has nothing to do with me and my troubles or even about what you might be facing.

This is about God and what He has done and can do.

I’ve got bragging rights on this.

That day as I sat at my desk, I turned to God and said, “Look, God, I am down right now and I need help. What do You have for me right now? I need… something…”

I waited…. waited for a sign, for words, for something, anything from Him.

Do you hear God speak? Many of us struggle with that whole concept. Does God still speak with an audible voice? When I hear others say “God told me…”, does it make me feel like a second-rate Christian?

So, I sat at my desk, letting my request hang in the air….

“Psalm 71”, the thought, voice, impression came to me. Did I hear it? Did I feel it? Did I think it? Dream it?

“Really, Psalm 71?”, I thought? “How odd, I don’t really know anything about Psalm 71!”

So, I did the only thing that I could think to do. I picked up my Bible and turned to Psalm 71. It had one single verse underlined in it from some time back. Why Psalm 71?

So, I started to read. In my Bible, it is one page, 24 verses. At first, it seemed to begin like many other Psalms, but then, as I let the words flow through me, I realized that it had just the message my heart needed to hear on that day. I read it several times and several times more over the next few days.

Now this is my Psalm! God gave it to me just in time, just when I needed those very words. I am so thankful for Psalm 71, but more than that, I am thankful for my Father’s voice. Did I hear it? Maybe. Did I hear it with my ears? Maybe, Maybe not. I don’t really care. All I need is the knowledge that He spoke and that the message I received was just for me.

…and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Psalm 71:17 NIV.

Father, thank You for speaking! Yes, I brag on You for answering me in such a cool way.  Forgive me for not listening more.