Apr 122013

Typical scene. You owe a friend five bucks for lunch. You promise, “I’ll pay you back Friday!” They quip,”Don’t worry, I know where you live!”

It sure sounds like a stalker statement doesn’t it? Like some criminal element attempting to terrorize a juror to influence their vote. Isn’t there a movie like that? Did you know that these words are in the Bible as well? Hmmm. Doesn’t sound likely does it?

 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Revelation 2:13 NIV first part

That’s not exactly confidence building is it? Let me try an off the cuff paraphrase: “I know you are living in hell, buddy!” That doesn’t found like positive reinforcement to me.  Fortunately the context and the next sentence clear things up.

 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name.  Revelation 2:13 NIV

This is Jesus speaking to those in one of the early churches. They lived in an evil, perversion-focused city.  Jesus says,” I know where you are. I know you have great challenges and temptations all around you. I pay attention to you. I am watching you. You are mine and I care about you. It makes me feel so joyful to see you staying true to me in the midst of all the evil around you.”

Do you ever feel alone, isolated, trying to do right, but feeling like you are just bucking the tide? This message is for you too! “I’ve got my eye on you,” Jesus says. “I see you struggling and you are not alone! You are mine.  I’ve got you and I won’t let you go except by your choice.  Don’t think that no one notices your hard times. I notice and I care.  I know just how much you can handle with My help.”

No matter whether you fill out one of those address change/mail forwarding cards or not, Jesus knows where you are.  He sees your bullying coworker, your fractured marriage, your wayward child, your temptation to … you fill in the blank. He keeps track of you even if you don’t care about Him.

Rest easy today, knowing that Someone always knows where you are!