Jul 052015

Dependence DayDependence Day. Did I miss the “In”? Was that the day before Independence Day? Yes, many years ago, yesterday, we did declare our independence from another country. Today, as  I mull over the rhetoric from yesterday, I declare my dependence!

I depend on brave young men and women in all military branches who deliberately charge into harm’s way around the world to protect my freedom and that of others who deserve it.

I depend on tough, committed individuals who serve as LEO’s, paramedics, firefighters (Yes, thank you Cal Fire!), and others who keep us safe every day.

I depend on service-minded public servants in all levels of government who make decisions every day, not out of self-interest, but to make our communities better.

I declare my Dependence Day!

I depend on my local Friedman’s store to supply me with the materials I need to create, build, repair my home and property as I am able.

I depend on Americans all around me to keep  our forests and mountains and shores clean and pristine for my enjoyment and theirs.

I depend on my boss to lead me and others with the UVMC mission in mind every day.

I depend on my laboratory colleagues to perform their duties with excellence and caring, providing the best service possible to the patients they serve.

I declare my Dependence Day!

I depend on my pastor to lead my church, and me, with Godly conviction and grace, ever pointing me closer to Him.

I depend on my parents to support me with love and approval, even when my decisions seem amusing, confusing, or downright weird to them.

I depend on my daughters and son to love and respect and connect with me as we continue to grow together.

I depend on my wife to love me unconditionally, even when I’m a little bit embarrassing, stinky, or awkward.

I depend on my Jesus to front for me always, to model grace for me, to give me  rock-solid salvation assurance based on His behavior, not mine, to give me confidence in a place in His Father’s house one day soon.

I declare my Dependence Day!